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16.03.2012 Hanwa SolarOne becomes latest Chinese PV company announce 2011 losses
Chinese photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer Hanwa SolarOne has become the latest solar company to announce significant losses for 2011.
Accesări: 1403
15.03.2012 Simple Power secures £50m wind deal with Vergnet
Wind company Simple Power has signed a £50m agreement with French-based Vergnet to develop the single wind market in Northern Ireland.
Accesări: 1415
15.03.2012 First Solar to develop 20MW Maryland project, appoints commercial officer
First Solar said it will take complete control over the development of the 20MW Maryland Solar photovoltaic (PV) and at the same time has appointed John Hughes to newly-created position of chief commercial officer.
Accesări: 1436
15.03.2012 27 de milioane euro pentru E-SRE
Producatorii de energie din surse regenerabile (E-SRE) au primit in luna ianuarie 2012 Certificate Verzi (CV) in valoare de circa 26,8 milioane de euro, in crestere cu 470% fata de perioada similara a anului trecut, cand valoarea certificatelor acordate insuma 4,7 milioane euro. Potrivit datelor Transelectrica, in prima luna a anului au fost acordate 487.392 CV, fata de 85.794 acordate in ianuarie 2011.
Accesări: 992
14.03.2012 Canadian Solar works with Lightsource Renewable Energy for UK PV projects
Canadian Solar has announced it has been working with UK solar project developer Lightsource Renewable Energy to complete four solar power plants across the UK.
Accesări: 1515
13.03.2012 Monsson experimenteaza noi surse
Monsson, cel mai mare dezvoltator de parcuri eoliene din Romania, si-a anuntat interesul si pentru alte tipuri de energie alternative in special pentru sectoarele hidro si fotovoltaic.
Accesări: 1115
06.03.2012 Building maintenance company PTS appoints renewables director
UK-based building maintenance business PTS has appointed Maxine Frost as its new renewables director to push forward the development of its product portfolio and service offering.
Accesări: 1623
06.03.2012 Statul investeste in eoliene
Companiile din sectorul energetic avand ca principal actionar Statul Roman au inceput primele investitii in sectorul eolian. Hidroelectrica, detinuta de statul roman in proportie de 80%, face primii pasi spre diversificarea surselor de producere a energiei verzi, printr-o investitie intr-un parc eolian cu o putere instalata de 15 MW, in zona Siretului, a declarat pentru Green Report, directorul general al companiei, Dragos Zachia-Zlatea.
Accesări: 1166
05.03.2012 SKF receives €40m order from Vestas
Swedish company SKF Group (SKF) has received an order from Demark-based Vestas, worth approximately SEK350m (€39.5m).
Accesări: 1491
05.03.2012 OSBIT Power innovation to be tested at Statoil’s Hywind project
OSBIT Power (OP) has begun offshore trials of its offshore wind access system, MaXccess, in Norway.
Accesări: 1482
05.03.2012 Forewind signs grid connections for 6GW Dogger Bank
Forewind has signed connection agreements with the UK’s National Grid for three further 1GW grid connections, adding to the 3GW signed since Dogger Bank was awarded in early-2010.
Accesări: 1390
04.03.2012 Bani pe vant
Dorinta de a obtine independenta energetica, dar si ambitia de a capata mult ravnitele etichete “verzi” determina marile companii, din intreaga lume, sa investeasca sume considerabile in vant, soare sau apa.
Accesări: 962
31.03.2011 Vestas launches next-generation offshore turbine
Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas has launched its next-generation offshore turbine, the V164-7MW, a specially designed turbine to withstand the roughest North Sea conditions and ensure the lowest possible cost of energy.
Accesări: 1428
31.03.2011 LDK Solar acquires majority stake in Solar Power
LDK Solar, a manufacturer of photovoltaic products, has finalised its acquisition of a 70 per cent interest in the photovoltaic solar developer, Solar Power (SPI), for approximately $33m.
Accesări: 2136
31.03.2011 EPA emissions regulation vote postponed
The Senate’s vote on whether to dilute or halt the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) greenhouse gas regulations has been delayed, according to reports.
Accesări: 1444
30.03.2011 SMA predicts flat or shrinking solar market
SMA Solar, Germany’s largest solar company, saw its sales double in 2010, but warned the solar market will be flat or may even decline in 2011 thanks to falling subsidies.
Accesări: 1442
30.03.2011 RWE gets approval for 27MW wind farm in Scottish Highlands
RWE npower renewables has received approval from the Highland Council for a 27MW wind farm in Burn of Whilk in Scotland.
Accesări: 1460
30.03.2011 Inner Mongolia wind installations to top 13GW by year-end
Wind installations in Inner Mongolia, which leads China in terms of wind farms, will top 13GW by the end of the year, according to an executive with the local grid company.
Accesări: 1505
30.03.2011 Investitiile in regenerabile au crescut cu 30%, in 2010. Vezi lista tarilor cu cele mai mari investitii
Investitiile in energie din surse regenerabile au crescut cu 30% anul trecut, la nivel mondial, la 243 de miliarde de dolari, China ocupand primul loc in topul investitorilor, transmite AFP.
Accesări: 914
29.03.2011 Wärtsilä, Aker offshore wind farm vessel prepares for market
Marine company Wärtsilä and oil and gas service provider Aker Solutions are one step closer to marketing their innovative concept for offshore wind farm installation.
Accesări: 1470
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