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05.08.2011 Societe Generale, UniCredit si CaixaBank finanteaza cu 50 milioane euro proiectele EDP Renovaveis in Romania
Societe Generale, UniCredit si CaixaBank s-au alaturat clubului de banci organizat de IFC (membra a Grupului Bancii Mondiale) si BERD, acordand o finantare de 50 de milioane de euro pentru dezvoltarea proiectelor eoliene ale EDP Renovaveis in Romania.
Accesări: 668
05.08.2011 Productia de energie eoliana se va tripla in statele UE, pana in 2020
Productia de energie electrica folosind turbine eoliene se va tripla pana in 2020, in tarile Uniunii Europene.
Accesări: 634
05.08.2011 Patru noi parcuri eoliene in nord-estul Romaniei
Compania germana Prowind va construi patru parcuri eoliene in nord-estul Romaniei, cu o capacitate totala de 300 megawati (MW), a anuntat joi compania General Electric (GE), furnizorul turbinelor pentru cele patru parcuri.
Accesări: 793
05.08.2011 Enel Green Power a depasit 1.700 MW capacitate instalata in parcuri eoliene din Spania
Enel Green Power a inaugurat, in Spania, parcul eolian Valdihuelo, cu o capacitate totala de 16 MW, ajungand astfel la o capacitate totala instalata in parcuri eoliene de 1.706 MW.
Accesări: 625
04.08.2011 Patru noi parcuri eoliene in nord-estul Romaniei
Compania germana Prowind va construi patru parcuri eoliene in nord-estul Romaniei, cu o capacitate totala de 300 megawati (MW), a anuntat joi compania General Electric (GE), furnizorul turbinelor pentru cele patru parcuri.
Accesări: 618
04.08.2011 MEMC to purchase Fotowatio Renewable Ventures in $100m deal
US solar wafer manufacturer MEMC and subsidiary SunEdison have reached a definitive agreement to acquire photovoltaic factory builder Fotowatio Renewable Ventures’ (FRV) US division. It will pay $122m for the acquisition and repayments of $22.9m in intercompany loans and capital contributions. The final purchase price is subject to adjustments based on the actual figure for intercompany loans and capital contributions at closing. The deal also includes deferred payment of up to $103.6m if FRV meets certain performance criteria.
Accesări: 1478
04.08.2011 Capital Power, Samsung and Pattern Renewable partner for Canadian wind project
Canadian energy company Capital Power, Samsung Renewable Energy and Pattern Renewable Holdings Canada have entered into a limited partnership for the development, construction and operation of a 270MW wind farm in Ontario, Canada. The project is expected to cost between C$750m ($770m) and C$900m ($924), the majority of which will be funded through project financing.
Accesări: 966
04.08.2011 CEZ Romania: Certificatele verzi vor urca pretul energiei la consumator cu pana la 4%
Pretul la consumator al electricitatii ar trebui sa fie majorat cu 3 - 4%, dupa introducerea sistemului de sprijin pentru productia de energie din surse regenerabile, a declarat, joi, Adrian Borotea, director in CEZ Romania.
Accesări: 669
03.08.2011 Triodos’ Ampere Fund buys 50% stake in Carraig wind farm
The Ampere Equity Fund, managed by UK renewable investor Triodos Investment Management, has acquired 50 per cent of the Carraig Gheal Wind Farm, which has a total capacity of 46MW.
Accesări: 1089
03.08.2011 LDK Solar to supply 14MW of PV modules for NJ project
Chinese photovoltaic (PV) manufacture LDK Solar has been contracted by US company Advanced Solar Products to supply solar modules for a 14.1MW project in New Jersey.
Accesări: 1095
03.08.2011 Investitie de 400 milioane euro a Enel Green Power in Romania
Enel Green Power ar putea beneficia de un imprumut de 200 milioane de euro din partea Bancii Europene pentru Investitii (BEI) pentru constructia a trei noi parcuri eoliene pe teritoriul Romaniei, o investitie totala estimata la 400 milioane euro, a anuntat Bloomberg.
Accesări: 616
02.08.2011 Opposition grows to France’s offshore wind plans
France’s plan to open a €10bn offshore wind tender is being met by opposition by some members of the public.
Accesări: 896
02.08.2011 GE contracted for 350MW of wind turbines by Wind Capital Group
US technology giant General Electric (GE) has been contracted by project manager the Wind Capital Group to supply 228 turbines with a combined generating capacity of 350MW for two US wind farms.
Accesări: 1076
02.08.2011 Investitie de 400 milioane euro a Enel Green Power in Romania
Enel Green Power ar putea beneficia de un imprumut de 200 milioane de euro din partea Bancii Europene pentru Investitii (BEI) pentru constructia a trei noi parcuri eoliene pe teritoriul Romaniei, o investitie totala estimata la 400 milioane euro, a anuntat Bloomberg.
Accesări: 590
01.08.2011 Solar Frontier’s 900MW plant reaches full capacity
Japanese photovoltaic (PV) developer Solar Frontier has announced that its flagship manufacturing plant has now reached full commercial operation and is on track to produce 900MW of solar modules this year.
Accesări: 998
01.08.2011 IKEA purchases UK wind farm
Swedish furniture retailer IKEA’s UK division has acquired a 12.3MW wind farm in Aberdeenshire, north Scotland. The farm consists of seven turbines and produces electricity sufficient to cover 30 per cent of the company’s UK consumption. It is the first UK purchase of a wind farm by IKEA and brings the number of turbines owned by the company to 67.
Accesări: 2540
31.08.2010 Windfarms bring renewable energy and good fortune to Romania
Exiled to the shores of the Black Sea 2,000 years ago, the Roman poet Ovid discovered the powerful winds that blew across that eastern border of the empire. To this day the wind continues to blow inland as far as Fantanele, a Romanian village located a few dozen kilometres from the coast.
Accesări: 1336
31.08.2010 Empowering Actions to Save Energy Across the Country
I think about energy a lot, and I'm always looking to get other people to think more consciously about energy and the ways they use it. I frequently send links to my friends and family to interesting websites and stories about people tackling our energy issues at home and at work. I also can't help but spread the word on Facebook and Twitter about what people are doing across the country to get smart about saving energy.
Accesări: 1436
31.08.2010 Becurile de 75W, interzise în UE începând cu 1 septembrie
UE a interzis în 2009 becurile cu incandescenţă de 100W. Becurile ineficiente din punct de vedere energetic vor dispărea integral de pe piaţă din 2016.
Accesări: 794
31.08.2010 România eoliană: 2 milioane de familii vor primi electricitate din vânt, mai eco, dar mai scumpă. Vezi harta investiţiilor străine în morile de vânt
Mai multe companii occidentale investesc miliarde de euro în vântul românesc. Statul acordă finanţări din taxele colectate de la cetăţenii români. Străinii sunt atraşi şi de faptul că sumele obţinute din exploatarea energiei eoliene nu trebuie investite în România
Accesări: 1087
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