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19.09.2011 Carbon Trust shortlists designs for offshore wind competition
The UK’s Carbon Trust has shortlisted 13 designs for the Offshore Wind Accelerator programme aimed at improving the economics of offshore wind by keeping turbines generating power in the harshest sea conditions and increasing revenues by as much as £3bn.
Accesări: 1145
19.09.2011 Canada to launch energy efficiency campaigns
The government of Canada is set to invest C$78m ($79m) over the next two years to increase the energy efficiency of homes throughout the nation.
Accesări: 1077
16.09.2011 Gehrlicher Solar sells Italian solar plants to White Owl Capital
Germany-based Gehrlicher Solar has sold five solar parks to White Owl Capital (WOC) with a total capacity of 10.4MWp.
Accesări: 1569
15.09.2011 Vestas bolsters Latin America activity with order win
Danish wind turbine maker Vestas has progressed its Latin America presence by winning a 40MW order in Nicaragua and beginning the construction of its fully-owned 100MW wind project in Chile, which is set to be the country’s largest.
Accesări: 994
15.09.2011 ADB loans $100m to accelerate Indian solar efforts
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has committed to providing a $100m loan to the Indian state of Gujarat to speed the roll-out of large-scale solar power plants in the region.
Accesări: 950
14.09.2011 US DOE finalises $1.2bn loan for Mojave Solar Project
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has finalised a $1.2bn loan guarantee to support the development of the 250MW Mojave Solar Project (MSP) in San Bernardino County, California.
Accesări: 938
14.09.2011 Tenesol to supply 500 PV systems for Millener project
French solar company Tenesol will install 500 photovoltaic (PV) systems and 250 converters as part of the €30m Millener smart grid project located on the islands of Corsica, Guadeloupe and La Reunion.
Accesări: 988
14.09.2011 Duke Energy to build 69MW Pennsylvania wind farm
US company Duke Energy has announced it will build, own and operate a 69MW wind farm in central Pennsylvania. Electricity generated at the site will be sold to the Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation (DEMEC) under terms of a 25-year power purchase agreement.
Accesări: 1028
14.09.2011 Investitie de 14 milioane euro intr-o centrala fotovoltaica, in judetul Botosani
Compania Electroalfa va investi 14 milioane de euro in construirea unei centrale fotovoltaice in zona padurii Rediu a orasului Botosani, a declarat pentru, presedintele consiliului de administratie Gheorghe Ciubotaru.
Accesări: 791
14.09.2011 Cel mai mare parc solar din Germania se intinde pe 152 de hectare
Parcul solar Meuro, situat in estul Germaniei, se intinde pe o suprafata de 152 de hectare si va avea o capacitate operationala de 70 MW. Pentru a genera aceasta putere dezvoltatorul GP Joule GmbH a instala 306.000 de panouri solare furnizate de cei de la Canadian Solar.
Accesări: 727
13.09.2011 Konarka forms several partnerships to advance solar coating products
US solar cell developer Konarka has formed strategic alliances with ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe, Lapp Kabek, Bischoff Glastechnik and the Fraunhofer Institute. The alliance will see the companies integrate Konarka’s organic solar film material into steel and glass surfaces.
Accesări: 1195
12.09.2011 Nordex enters Romanian wind market
The company said it is also experiencing growing demand for wind investments from Poland and Bulgaria.
Accesări: 962
12.09.2011 Gamesa wins third Swedish turbine order in four months
Spanish wind energy developer Gamesa has been contracted to supply turbines with a combined capacity of 14MW for a project in Sweden, which is the third deal the company has signed in country in four months.
Accesări: 999
12.09.2011 Proiectele eoliene trezesc interesul bancherilor
Dupa ce legea de sprijinire a investitiilor in energii regenerabile prin acordarea de stimulente sub forma certificatelor verzi a primit acordul Comisiei Europene, bancile din Romania au inceput sa priveasca cu interes crescut proiectele eoliene. Cu toate acestea, bancile inca asteapta implementarea cadrului legal perioada dupa care este asteptata o afluenta de proiecte.
Accesări: 674
12.09.2011 Capacitatea eoliana instalata in Romania a crescut cu 162% in primele cinci luni
Rata cresterii capacitatii eoliene in Romania in 2010 comparata cu cea a anului precedent a fost ridicata, respectiv de 1.071%, iar pe parcursul perioadei ianuarie-mai 2011, capacitatea a crescut cu 161,72% in raport cu intreg anul 2010, se arata in studiul „Energia Eoliana in Romania - 2011”, realizat de TPA Horwath si casa de avocatura Schoenherr si Asociatii
Accesări: 711
07.09.2011 Legea de sprijinire a investitiilor in energii regenerabile, aplicabila din septembrie
Dupa trei ani de tergiversare, legea de sprijinire a investitiilor in energii regenerabile ar putea fi complet aplicabila pana la sfarşitul lunii septembrie, a declarat miercuri directorul general al departamentului de eficienta energetica din ANRE, Zoltan Nogy Bege, citat de Mediafax.
Accesări: 704
05.09.2011 Volkswagen investeste un miliard de euro in eoliene
Primul constructor de automobile din Europa, Volkswagen, este gata sa investeasca un miliard de euro in energia obtinuta cu ajutorul vantului.
Accesări: 627
05.09.2011 Grecia vrea sa atraga investitii de pana la 20 miliarde euro in energia solara
Grecia vrea sa devina unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori europeni de energie solara, prin atragerea in urmatoarele decenii a unor investitii de pana la 20 de miliarde de euro, in vederea relansarii economiei, transmite Reuters, citata de Mediafax.
Accesări: 633
04.09.2011 Enel Green Power a inaugurat doua centrale fotovoltaice in Italia
Enel Green Power a inugurat, in aceasta saptamana, doua centrale fotovoltaice, in Italia cu o capacitate totala instalata de 12,6 MW.
Accesări: 709
01.09.2011 Siemens wins order for 15 European solar PV plants
Siemens has been contracted to construct and supply modules for 15 photovoltaic (PV) plants with a combined capacity of 25MW for Sun Development. Six of these developments with a capacity of 16.7MW will be in Italy and the remainder of the projects are in France, Martinique and Guadeloupe.
Accesări: 1015
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