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28.07.2011 fa sdfasdfasdfasdfa
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sursa Accesări: 546
23.05.2011 Sydney, Melbourne Vulnerable to Rising Sea Level, Climate Commission Says
Coastal regions near Australia's largest cities of Sydney and Melbourne are vulnerable to rising sea levels and "extreme" flooding caused by global warming, the Climate Commission said.
Accesări: 480
23.05.2011 RPT-Climate change warnings add heat to Australia CO2 price debate
A team of Australia's top scientists warned on Monday of dire climate change in calling for the nation's carbon-dominated energy sector to turn green, as the government struggles to win support for a carbon price to cut pollution.
Accesări: 501
23.05.2011 Adaptation measures should be integrated into national policies
AMMAN - Climate change adaptation measures should be integrated into national policies, while the Kingdom's infrastructure should be designed to reduce the impact of the phenomenon on natural resources, experts said on Sunday.
Accesări: 480
20.05.2011 Climate change and deforestation pose risk to Amazon rainforest
Deforestation and climate change will likely decimate much of the Amazon rainforest, says a new study by Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and the UK's Met Office Hadley Centre.
Accesări: 1719
19.05.2011 Europe's steelmakers challenge EU's green strategy
Europe's steelmakers launched their most vocal challenge yet to the region's green growth strategy on Thursday, saying the added cost of curbing emissions would hand the advantage to overseas rivals.
Accesări: 560
19.05.2011 Interview: China's goal towards "green economy" in the right direction: former Norwegian PM Brundtland
That China is talking about developing "green economy" is a move in the right direction, said former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland in an exclusive interview with Xinhua during the 3rd Nobel Laureate Symposium on Global Sustainability being held in Stockholm on Wednesday.
Accesări: 504
18.05.2011 EU says $7 billion CO2 sale to be slightly delayed
(Reuters) - The European Union has delayed by one month a vote that would allow the European Investment Bank (EIB) to raise about five billion euros ($7.1 billion) to support innovative low-carbon technologies.
Accesări: 494
18.05.2011 Anglican Communion News Service - Digest News
The eyes of the world will be on South Africa from Sunday 27 November to Friday 9 December this year. Negotiators and political leaders from around the world will gather in Durban at the 17th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP17). With provincial and diocesan programmes around the Communion, particularly in the southern hemisphere, increasingly having to integrate a response to the impacts of climate change within local mission, it is hoped that governments will make firm and urgent commitments to decrease national carbon emissions.
Accesări: 619
17.05.2011 Ensure adequate green funds
The industrialised nations should provide adequate fund for adaptation and easy access of green technology at an affordable price to vulnerable economies, urged Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday at Geneva.
Accesări: 653
17.05.2011 Chris Huhne briefs MPs on long-term carbon target
Chris Huhne is setting out plans to cut carbon emissions in half by 2027 and change the way Britain produces energy.
Accesări: 567
17.05.2011 Australia to Set Expected Carbon Tax Price by July
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — A planned tax on carbon gas emitting industries in Australia would be far below a recommended price that might have forced polluters to switch to greener technology, the government said Tuesday.
Accesări: 562
17.05.2011 Emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ale companiilor romanesti monitorizate de UE au scazut anul trecut
Emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ale companiilor din Romania, care participa la schema Uniunii Europene (UE) de comercializare a certificatelor de emisii, au scazut cu 2,6% anul trecut, de la 48,6 milioane de tone, echivalent dioxid de carbon, de la 46,3 milioane de tone, potrivit Mediafax.
Accesări: 365
16.05.2011 Kenyan firms to tap new IFC carbon fund
Kenyan companies investing in carbon trading projects are set to benefit from a new fund set up by IFC to cover a financing gap arising from the European Union’s decision to stop buying carbon credits from developing countries beginning next year.
Accesări: 511
16.05.2011 Iran successful in implementing carbon sequestration project (CSP)
BIRJAND, South Khorasan Province – The Iranian Agriculture Jihad Ministry has completed the first phase of the carbon sequestration project (CSP) in South Khorasan Province, near the border with Afghanistan.
Accesări: 764
15.05.2011 Migratory birds have wings clipped
KATHMANDU: The World Migratory Bird Day was marked today in Nepal by organising various programmes to raise awareness on the feathered creatures.
Accesări: 4366
13.05.2011 'Global community should pick up speed for solution to climate change'
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres Thursday urged the international community to "pick up speed" on the next step towards achieving the long-term solution to climate change.
Accesări: 473
12.05.2011 Govt seeks UN funds to reduce carbon footprints
NEW DELHI: In order to lock climate changing carbon dioxide in the growing forests, the government has asked the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to provide a substantial part of the Rs 90 billion needed every year for 10 years.
Accesări: 486
12.05.2011 Europe confirms pledge to aid SA’s greening
THE recent United Nations (UN) climate change talks in Bangkok are the latest step in the lengthy process of bringing the international community together to fight climate change. The talks agreed on a work programme for the coming months, and also helped to clarify the issues at stake in the next negotiation rounds and positions regarding a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 531
12.05.2011 Încălzirea globală ameninţă Europa cu răcirea
În apele sărate ale Oceanului Arctic a fost identificată recent o zonă cu apă dulce, care ar putea produce importante modificări climaterice asupra întregii Europe de Vest. Sursa fenomenului porneşte din Mare Beaufort, parte a Oceanului Arctic, situată între estul peninsulei Alaska şi nordul Canadei.
Accesări: 428
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