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24.02.2011 RAPORT. Tinta de reducere a emisiilor cu 30% in UE, avantaj financiar pentru Romania
O crestere a tintei UE de reducere a emisiilor de la 20% la 30%, pana in 2020, ar reprezenta un avantaj financiar pentru Romania, deoarece ar creste pretul certificatelor de carbon de care dispune tara noastra si ar reduce costurile de sanatate cu 1,4 miliarde de euro, potrivit unui raport recent al retelei Climate Action Network Europe.
Accesări: 107
24.02.2011 Care sunt principalele gaze cu efect de sera emise de om?
Efectul de sera este sporit semnificativ de emisiile de gaze poluante care provin din activitatile industriale sau din orice alt tip de activitati umane, iar vaporii de apa, influentati direct sau indirect de activitatile umane, reprezinta principala cauza a incalzirii globale, scrie „The Guardian”.
Accesări: 4489
privind lansarea activităţilor în vederea perfectării Comunicării Naţionale Trei conform angajamentelor faţă de Convenţia–cadru a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite cu privire la schimbarea climei.
Accesări: 70
23.02.2011 China Plans To Rein In Heavy Metal Pollution
China's environmental protection agency has vowed to curb heavy metal pollution in a bid to cut widespread industrial contaminants like lead that have poisoned children and sparked protests.
Accesări: 205
22.02.2011 Binding deal at Durban climate talks unlikely
ALTHOUGH politically difficult, it was important to aim for a binding agreement at climate change negotiations in Durban in December, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) climate policy advocate Tasneem Essop said yesterday.
Accesări: 167
22.02.2011 Uniunea Europeană dorește scăderea cu 25% a emisiilor de carbon
UE si-a propus sa reduca pana in anul 2020 nivelul emisiilor de gaze cu un procent de 20% fata de nivelul lor din anul 1990. Procentul se doreste sa creasca la 30% daca si alte tari din afara Uniunii vor adopta strategii similare.
Accesări: 89
21.02.2011 US has modest goals for S. Africa climate talks
JOHANNESBURG – The U.S. does not expect this year's climate change conference in South Africa to yield a binding international agreement to stop global warming, the top U.S. negotiator said Monday.
Accesări: 141
21.02.2011 Tougher EU climate goal could boost GDP: study
(Reuters) - A tougher European Union goal for cutting greenhouse gas emissions could create jobs and boost economic growth by 2020, rather than slow it down as many EU governments fear, a study said on Monday.
Accesări: 229
21.02.2011 UN unveils vision for global green economy
PARIS, Monday 21 February 2011 (AFP) - The United Nations Monday unveiled a strategy to ensure a sustainable future for the planet by investing two percent of wealth generated by the global economy, or some 1.3 trillion dollars annually, in ten key sectors.
Accesări: 173
21.02.2011 Green economy needs 2% of every nation's income, says UN
The United Nations will call on Monday for 2% of worldwide income to be invested in the green economy, a move it says would boost jobs and economic growth.
Accesări: 149
20.02.2011 European Union faces legal action over fraudulent carbon emissions trading
The European Union faces legal and political challenges over its handling of the carbon markets which remain in chaos after a cyber attack forced partial closure of the Emissions Trading Scheme.
Accesări: 210
20.02.2011 Încălzirea climatică sporeşte riscul infecţiilor şi intoxicaţiilor
Creşterea globală a temperaturilor modifică ecosistemele acvatice făcându-le mai propice proliferării algelor toxice şi microorganismelor nocive.
Accesări: 102
19.02.2011 Implement Cancun accords, demand Least Developed Countries
The Least Developed Countries (LDC) Saturday called for immediate disbursement of funds, agreed at the Cancun talks, for them to deal with the impact of climate change.
Accesări: 150
18.02.2011 Climate change committee delays decision
A decision on how to price carbon is still months away, the federal government says.The multi-party climate change committee, chaired by Prime Minister Julia Gillard, met in Canberra on Friday to discuss options for a carbon price.
Accesări: 160
17.02.2011 ONU: Schimbarile climatice si criza alimentara, cauza instabilitatii din Africa si Orientul Mijlociu
Criza alimentara si cresterea preturilor, cauzate de incalzirea globala, se numara printre problemele care au contribuit la conflictele sociale din nordul Africii si din Orientul Mijlociu, a declarat Christiana Figueres, secretar executiv al Conventiei ONU pentru Schimbari Climatice, citata de „New York Times”.
Accesări: 115
17.02.2011 Cresterea nivelului marii va inghiti orasele de coasta din SUA
Cresterea nivelului marii ar putea ameninta 180 de orase de coasta din SUA pana in 2100, potrivit unui studiu al Universitatii din Arizona, citat de agentia Xinhua.
Accesări: 92
17.02.2011 U.N. biodiversity panel could guide on trade, farms
(Reuters) - A U.N. scientific panel meant to help safeguard animal and plant species should help guide governments with practical studies of issues such as trade, farming or energy, experts said on Thursday.
Accesări: 364
17.02.2011 IMC to Lead Climate Change Conference Preparations
Cape Town — An Inter-Ministerial Committee has been established to lead preparations for the United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 17), said President Jacob Zuma on Thursday.
Accesări: 140
17.02.2011 Analysis: Governments to debate Kyoto climate dilemma
(Reuters) - Governments are looking at ways to keep the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol going beyond 2012 in some form to defuse a standoff between rich and poor nations that threatens efforts to tackle global warming.
Accesări: 163
15.02.2011 UN targets carbon credit backlog
Clearing a backlog of credits and convincing small countries they can benefit from the UN's carbon offsetting scheme will be amongst the top priority as the Clean Development Mechanism's (CDM) executive board gathers in Bonn, Germany this week to discuss the future of the scheme.
Accesări: 174
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