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31.03.2010 Urias producator american de petrol finanteaza sceptici climatici
O uriasa companie americana producatoare de petrol a fost descoperita ca finanteaza milioane de dolari grupurilor care se opun teoriei existentei schimbarilor climatice, potrivit The Ecologist.
Accesări: 101
31.03.2010 17 orase din Romania s-au angajat in combaterea schimbarilor climatice
Autoritatile a 17 orase din Romania au semnat „Angajamentul municipiilor pentru combaterea efectelor schimbarilor climatice”.
Accesări: 123
29.03.2010 The trillion-dollar question is: who will now lead the climate battle?
Political and business leaders gather this week in an attempt to revive the world's faltering challenge to global warming. But they face a battle to lift the cloud of scepticism that has descended over climate science and chart a new way forward
Accesări: 148
29.03.2010 World's iconic sites go dark to fight global warming
SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – From Sydney Harbor to the world's tallest tower in Dubai and the ancient pyramids, major landmarks went dark for an hour to join the battle against climate change.
Accesări: 264
29.03.2010 RI wants ASEAN to adopt Copenhagen Accord
Indonesia will lobby other Southeast Asian countries to adopt the Copenhagen Accord at the upcoming ASEAN meeting in Vietnam, as only Jakarta and Singapore have done so, a source said.
Accesări: 149
29.03.2010 Pamantul a intrat intr-o noua era geologica
Pamantul a intrat intr-o noua era geologica, potrivit oamenilor de stiinta, care afirma ca evolutia planetei este marcata de poluare, cresterea populatiei, urbanizare, minerit, transporturi si exploatarea combustibililor fosili, transmite The Telegraph.
Accesări: 340
29.03.2010 Gandul: "Ora Pamantului" n-a avut succces in Romania. Consumul de energie chiar a crescut
Campania globala "Ora Pamantului", derulata sambata, de la 20.30 la 21.30, nu a scazut consumul de energie electrica in Romania, in intervalul 20.00-21.00 inregistrandu-se chiar un consum usor ridicat fata de ora anterioara.
Accesări: 92
29.03.2010 UN 2010-2012 Emissions Spread Widens to Record After Suspension
The spread between 2010 United Nations emission offsets and those for delivery in 2012 widened to a record on slower-than-expected issuance and after a regulatory board suspended certification companies.
Accesări: 250
29.03.2010 Science alone not enough to boost world farm output
But unlike the "Green Revolution" that dramatically hiked agricultural output in Latin America and Asia from the 1950s, a new agricultural restructuring will need to focus as much on new seed varieties as on good governance, women's empowerment and things like curbing commodities speculation, they added.
Accesări: 174
29.03.2010 E.P.A. Delays Plants’ Pollution Permits
WASHINGTON - The Environmental Protection Agency said Monday that it would not require power plants or other industrial sites to obtain federal pollution permits for emitting greenhouse gases before next January.
Accesări: 152
27.03.2010 Climate can-do in Cancun?
IF THE Copenhagen climate summit was a complete failure, nobody told the President of the Maldives. As the gavel fell on a marathon all-night final session to end two frustrating weeks in the Danish capital last December, Mohamed Nasheed punched the air to celebrate the Copenhagen Accord - a limited, non-binding agreement that the United Nations chose not to adopt.
Accesări: 122
27.03.2010 Romania a stins lumina de Earth Hour
Sute de bucuresteni au luat parte, sambata seara, in Parcul Izvor la concertul 100% unplugged al formatiei SISTEM. Evenimentul special organizat de World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) si Zoli Toth, ambasador Earth Hour, a fost insotit de jonglerii cu foc, dar si de o sesune de observatii astronomice, la invitatia membrilor Astroclubului Bucuresti.
Accesări: 117
27.03.2010 Ora Pamantului a stins luminile in toata lumea
Edificii prestigioase precum cladirea Operei de la Sydney, Orasul Interzis din Beijing si turnul Taipei 101 din Taiwan s-au cufundat in bezna timp de o ora sambata seara odata cu peste 120 de tari care si-au anuntat participarea la campania globala Earth Hour organizata de World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), informeaza Reuters.
Accesări: 115
27.03.2010 Earth Hour nu reduce emisiile de carbon
O campanie de determinare a oamenilor sa stinga luminile nu va reduce emisiile de carbon, spun expertii britanici in electricitate, citati de Telegraph. Milioane de oameni au stins luminile timp de o ora cu ocazia evenimentului Earth Hour, organizat de World Wildlife Fund (WWF), care a avut loc sambata seara.
Accesări: 86
23.03.2010 Schimbarile climatice, urmatorul punct pe agenda lui Obama
Dupa ce a reusit sa impuna reforma sanatatii, presedintele SUA Barack Obama si-ar putea indrepta eforturile catre limitarea schimbarilor climatice, transmite AFP, care citeaza aliati ai democratului din interiorul Congresului american. 22 de senatori democrati au semnat o scrisoare prin care cer ca legislatia pentru clima sa fie votata pana la sfarsitul acestui an.
Accesări: 616
23.03.2010 Spanish EU Presidency - EU to make its first decisions for the "Europe 2020” strategy for sustainable economic growth
Spanish Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos believes that the time has come to give “a clear political signal” to determine the direction of the economic development model for the next decade in the European Union.
Accesări: 627
23.03.2010 Chinese envoy urges EU to raise its emission cut target
China welcomes the latest document issued by the European Union (EU) on climate change, but insists that the EU should raise its emission cut target to 30 percent by 2020, a visiting Chinese official said on Monday.
Accesări: 121
23.03.2010 China climate chief: EU should not backtrack on Kyoto
Urging Europe to maintain its leadership in ongoing global climate talks, China's top climate negotiator said the EU should not step back but instead put pressure on other developed countries that have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol to make comparable emission cuts.
Accesări: 660
23.03.2010 Inca un candidat la sefia UNFCCC
Costa Rica a nominalizat-o luni pe Christina Figueres pentru functia de secretar executiv al Conventiei ONU pe tema schimbarilor climatice (UNFCCC). Ea este al doile candidat, dupa sud-africanul Marthinus van Schalkwyk, pentru functia ce va ramane vacanta incepand cu 1 aprilie, ca urmare a demisiei lui Yvo de Boer.
Accesări: 637
22.03.2010 Senate Climate Bill To Give Free Permits: Sources
U.S. power generating companies would get free pollution permits, at least initially, as part of a compromise climate change bill being written in the Senate that also would give the coal industry $10 billion to develop "clean" technology, sources said on Friday.
Accesări: 130
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