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27.04.2010 Climate change needs to be discussed in 'meaningful' way: India
THIMPHU: With climate change being the central theme of the SAARC summit, India hoped the eight-nation bloc would hold the dialogue on the issue in a "meaningful manner" and backed its "fresh" position on global warming to be adopted at the Cancun meet later this year.
Accesări: 190
26.04.2010 Post-Kyoto agreement not to be signed in 2010 — presidential advisor
A new international agreement to replace the Kyoto environmental protocol will not be signed in 2010, the Russian presidential advisor on climate change has said.
Accesări: 142
26.04.2010 Temperaturi record de 45 de grade in Myanmar
Temperaturile au ajuns in ultimele zile pana la valori record in statul Myanmar, in Asia de Sud-Est, in unele regiuni din centrul tarii ridicandu-se pana la 45,6 grade Celsius, transmite Earth Times.
Accesări: 86
26.04.2010 Strategii climatice mai bune dupa Copenhaga
46% dintre tarile lumii au inregistrat imbunatatiri ale strategiilor climatice de la sfarsitul summit-ului ONU de la Copenhaga de anul trecut pana in prezent, 32 dintre cele 95 de tari analizate facand “imbunatatiri semnificative” ale planurilor de actiuni climatice, arata un studiu realizat de Programul de Mediu al Natiunilor Unite (UNEP) si AccountAbility, informeaza Business Green. Tarile care sunt date ca exemple sunt Germania, China si Coreea.
Accesări: 120
25.04.2010 Developing nations want global climate accord by 2011
CAPE TOWN (AFP) – Four major developing countries meeting in South Africa on Sunday called for a global, legally binding agreement on climate change to be finalised by next year at the latest.
Accesări: 166
24.04.2010 Cuban VP Says Bolivia Summit on Climate Change Was a Success
Cuban Vice President Esteban Lazo described the recently concluded World Conference on Climate Change as a resounding success.
Accesări: 125
24.04.2010 Fermierii britanici nu simt efectele schimbarilor climatice
Un numat tot mai mare de fermieri britanici spun ca nu se simt afectati de schimbarile climatice, potrivit unui sondaj efectuat recent de grupul Forum for the Future, anunta Reuters.
Accesări: 81
23.04.2010 Derivatives Bill Calls For U.S. Carbon Market Study
A tough new proposal to regulate U.S. markets calls for top regulators and government officials to conduct a study on transparency in emerging U.S. carbon markets as part of the financial reform package.
Accesări: 142
22.04.2010 Ziua Pământului 2010. Cum poţi sărbători Planeta Albastră
Ziua Pământului este menită să atragă atenţia oamenilor asupra importanţei mediului înconjurător. 22 aprilie a devenit Ziua Pământului (Earth Day) în 1970, la iniţiativa senatorului american Gaylord Nelson.
Accesări: 161
21.04.2010 China-led bloc to consider Kyoto climate pact future
A bloc of the world's fastest growing carbon emitters, seen as key to a global deal on climate change, appears for the first time willing to discuss the future of the Kyoto Protocol to get the United States on board.
Accesări: 151
21.04.2010 BASIC to discuss Kyoto Protocol survival
NEW DELHI: At their meeting this weekend, the four BASIC countries – Brazil, South Africa, India and China – will discuss the Kyoto Protocol's chances of survival.
Accesări: 141
20.04.2010 White House: Climate bill 'doable' this year
WASHINGTON -- White House energy adviser Carol Browner said Tuesday she thinks Congress still has time to approve a climate and energy bill this year.
Accesări: 157
20.04.2010 Bolivia's Morales slams capitalist debt to global warming
COCHABAMBA, Bolivia (AFP) – Bolivian President Evo Morales opened a "people's conference" on climate change on Tuesday with an attack on capitalism's debt to global warming, before participants booed a UN envoy.
Accesări: 155
20.04.2010 Cei mai mari poluatori au renegociat acordul de la Copenhaga
Reprezentantii celor mai mari poluatori din lume s-au intalnit luni la Washington, pentru prima data de la dezamagitorul summit din Copenhaga, unde semnarea unui nou acord climatic global a esuat, informeaza Earth Times.
Accesări: 77
19.04.2010 W.Bank says East Asia can stabilise CO2 by 2025
China, the world's top greenhouse gas emitter, and five other East Asian nations, need a net additional investment of $80 billion per year to get on to a sustainable energy path, the World Bank said on Monday.
Accesări: 125
19.04.2010 $16m better off on emissions tally
The latest official estimates have shaved nearly two million tonnes off New Zealand's projected net emissions of greenhouse gases over the 2008 to 2012 period.
Accesări: 161
19.04.2010 Banca Mondiala: China isi poate stabiliza emisiile pana in 2025
Tarile din Asia de Est isi pot stabiliza emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera pana in 2025 fara sa isi compromita cresterea economica, a anuntat astazi Banca Mondiala. Astfel, China, cel mai mare poluator al planetei, are nevoie de investitii suplimentare de 80 de miliarde de dolari pe an, in energiile regenerabile, se arata in acelasi document, citat de Reuters.
Accesări: 71
18.04.2010 Bolivia climate change talks to give poor a voice
Rafael Quispe is gearing up for his trip. He packs a small leather bag, puts on his black poncho, an alpaca scarf sporting the rainbow-coloured, chequered Andean indigenous flag and his black hat. "This will be an important gathering, a very important gathering. It is about saving our Mother Earth, about saving nature," he says.
Accesări: 169
18.04.2010 O nouă răcire globală ameninţă Emisfera nordică: un nou vulcan islandez ar putea să aducă un alt "an fără vară", ca în 1816
Tonele de cenuşă "scuipate" de Eyjafjallajokull ar putea fi dublate de erupţia aşteptată a altui vulcan islandez, Katla, ceea ce ar putea obtura lumina sloară, răci atmosfera şi aduce un nou "an fără vară" precum 1816
Accesări: 198
17.04.2010 US, China to see if climate gap can be bridged
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Four months after the widely criticized Copenhagen summit, key nations including the United States and China are trying to find out if they can bridge wide gaps on climate change.
Accesări: 110
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